
วันศุกร์ที่ 6 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2555

sme7admin for SME Server


  • sme7admin is a graphical monitor, alert raising, and services supervision tool for your SME 7 Server.
  • It adds a headline + several subpages to the server-manager.


yum install smeserver-sme7admin --enablerepo=smecontribs

Sensor detection

This I was unable to fully test myself, as I'm on a virtual machine, please modify/add info. /Per
Detect the sensors on your mainboard, (run as root)
For my mainboard, I just hit enter for all questions, which then uses the defaults which can be seen as CAPs.

Check installed versions

yum info installed smeserver-sme7admin
yum info installed sysstat
yum info installed hddtemp
yum info installed perl-rrdtool
yum info installed rrdtool


yum remove sysstat
yum remove hddtemp
yum remove rrdtool
This will also remove smeserver-sme7admin and perl-rrdtool (for dependencies).

