First - how to Log In
You can use either the IP address or the server name - I prefer the IP just in case for some reason NetBios is screwed up. Enter the following into your browser of choice into a workstation on the network.
http://IP-address/server-manager or https://IP-address/server-manager
If it gives you a certificate error just ignore it and accept. You can set up an actual certificate server, etc but you wont need it unless you really want a secure server
If its stock the user is admin and the password is whatever you set it at during installation, or what the business provides you. Cracking a lost password is another story (see single user sign on - google is your friend!)
You are now at the admin panel.
First lets assume you want to use this server as a domain controller
Under configuration, you\'ll see workgroup. Click that and set it for a workgroup and domain controller. Much easier than promoting or demoting a PDS in windows!!
Users is the top option. Its self explanatory. But it adds in default info into the profile you don\'t want to change every time. So lets change that so it adds in the info you want.
Changing default account info
Under configuration you\'ll see Change LDAP directory settings with the default information in the fields. Just change that to what ou want, and click save.
Now you may not want to use the strong passwords for the user accounts. It defaults to 8 chars, a capital letter, number and symbol so its a bit of a PITA. Here\'s how to change it.
Changing password strength
This time you need to be at the server itself. Log in as root
for passwords your options are strong, normal and none. This means strong rules, normal rules and no rules
At the prompt type config setprop passwordstrength Users normal
Note the capital U
for the ibays:
config setprop passwordstrength Ibays normal
Again note the capital I
Replace normal with what strength you prefer
So now you have a user. We can assign some rights to them now. So click on groups and we\'ll set them up
Setting user privileges
By default your users will only have limited rights on the workstation. If you want them to have additional power, you need to add them to a group with those rights.
So lets make a new group with Local Admin power
Click on Groups, Add Group, and pick a name for your new group.
Now the next part sound simple, but its where you give users their rights. The Description field is where these are assigned
If you want your users to be local admins, in that field enter Domain Admin
For a little less power enter Power Users
If you don\'t want them adding software or hardware use Domain Users - that is the default
Now you have a user and a group. It will map their home drive automatically, but suppose we want to control other logon stuff like time and data, map other drives and folders, etc.
For this we will need to add some software to the server.
So now we are back at the server logged in as root. Lets get to the home dir and install some software
Editing the netlogon script
You should be at a prompt. Type cd /home
if you use the dir or ls command you should see esmith and httpd. So now we need to download some software
type the following at the prompt:
this should download the file to your home dir - use dir or ls to verify its there. Then we are going to install it. Type this:
yum localinstall smeserver-loginscript*.rpm
If it all worked right, once you log out of the admin page and log back in you should see a new field under collaboration called login script manager
Now to map a drive, simply type in
net use h: \\\\servername\\foldername
Ok.. last of all, since its easier to let users control their own passwords once you set the rules, you can give them all a defauls PW - like password! (how original robo :roll: )
Here\'s how they can change it to what they want
Allowing users to change their own passwords
this is way too easy!!
have them go to
This should at least get you to where your comfortable managing users, drives and folders. SME is so simple that with a few basic tips you\'ll be able to run circles around any windows server with it. You can plug in nagios, vm\'s, you name it - and make it more powerful than any windows box.
Not to mention its got a built in web and mail server! Its SBS that actually works!!! :lol:
If you haven\'t checked out this alternative to windows, your really missing out on a powerful, free alternative.
Just don\'t teach the users how to run it or you\'ll never make any money! This thing wont crash
Best of all in a supposedly slowing economy, this server will give you a competitive advantage over your foes. You can offer a server thats hundreds cheaper, and put more features on it than anyone who offers the alternative.